Add a reference to NetShell, create a new DOS.cs
file. The main file just calls NetShell’s RpcShell
with an instance of DOS
static int Main(string[] args)
var shell = new RpcShell(new DOS()) {
Prompt = Environment.CurrentDirectory, FlagPrefix = "/"
return shell.Run();
With that out of the way, let’s implement the first command.
This is trivial. Add a Command
attribute with the (optional) name and help-text.
public void Echo(string text) => Console.WriteLine(text);
Let’s see how that looks like:

Maybe add a bit of colour.
public void Echo(string text, ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.White)
Console.ForegroundColor = color;
is also trivial to implement.
public void Clear() => Console.Clear();
Of course we need an exit
command - this just calls Shell.Exit
public void Exit(Shell shell) => shell.Exit(0);
This is as you’d expect, but you also need to change the current shell prompt. We’re using the built-in dependency injection to get the instance of the shell, and set the prompt.
public void ChangeDir([Suggest(nameof(SuggestDirs))] string directory, Shell shell)
var path = Path.GetFullPath(directory);
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"{path} does not exist");
shell.Prompt = Environment.CurrentDirectory = path;
Just return the file contents and it’ll be printed out automatically.
public string Type([Suggest(nameof(SuggestFiles))] string filename) =>
File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Dir, filename));
And to auto-complete files in the current directory:
public IEnumerable<string> SuggestFiles() =>
Here we’re showing a simple dir command, but here’s how to add help-text to the command, and for each pattern.
[Command("dir", "Lists directories and files with an optional pattern")]
public IEnumerable<string> List(
[Description("Accepts glob patterns")] string pattern = "*",
[Description("Only show files if true")] bool files = false
var dirs = files ? Enumerable.Empty<string>() : Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Dir, pattern);
var allfiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(Dir, pattern);
return Enumerable.Concat(dirs, allfiles).Select(Path.GetFileName);
Now if we do a help dir
we get:
D:\>help dir
Command dir Lists directories and files with an optional pattern
Syntax: dir (String [pattern] = *) (Boolean [files] = False)
/pattern Accepts glob patterns
/files Only show files if true
Running applications: Anything that doesn’t match our commands, we can attempt to run with the given command-line - this is DOS' famous “Bad command or file name”. We can do that with the DefaultCommand
attribute which marks a catch-all method.
The following implementation redirects the stdin/stdout
of our console to the program, till it’s terminated.
public void Execute(string name, string[] args)
using (var process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(name, String.Join(" ", args)) { RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false }))
while (!process.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)
if (Console.KeyAvailable)
if (process.StandardOutput.Peek() != -1)
Our demo isn’t complete until we run the Windows Command Prompt inside our command prompt!

Last modified on 2020-02-18
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