Asti's Notes
Web Workers and Typescript constraints
A run-in-another thread implementation, but nicer

Now there are a million web-worker libraries out there, but what’s the harm in having more interesting implementations?

The Proxy

The simplest way to start using a worker would be something that can drop in and sub for a regular class with methods and state.

We can do that by creating a proxy for the class - you call the methods on the proxy - the calls are intercepted and run in the worker, and the results are passed to you as a Promise. If the results in the original class were a promise in the first place, you can’t return a Promise<Promise>> - that would be bad - so we need type unwrapping.

The type function is:

Proxy(f(x) -> y) = f(x) -> Promise<y>
Proxy(f(x) -> Promise<y>) = f(x) -> Promise<y>

Building the type function

Let’s define what a method is

type Method = (...args: any[]) => any;

We need to unwrap any promises types:

type UnwrapPromise<P> = P extends Promise<infer V> ? V : P;

The proxy function:

type ProxiedFunction<F extends Method> = 
        (...params: Parameters<F>) => Promise<UnwrapPromise<ReturnType<F>>>;

Now let’s assemble it together:

export type Proxy<T> = 
	[P in keyof T]: T[P] extends Method ?

The type enumerates all members of a given type T, and returns a proxied function for every method.


To illustrate with an example:

class Calc {
    add(x: number, y: number) {
        return x + y;
    async addAsync(x: number, y: number) {
        return x + y;

We expect the signature of the add method on the proxy to be

add(x: number, y: number) : Promise<number>
addAsync(x: number, y: number) : Promise<number>

And that is exactly what we see:


The full implementation of the web-worker proxy can be found at:

Last modified on 2018-10-02

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